Module iodb_compiler

IDEA Object Database Common Compiler.


IDEA Object Database Common Compiler. Customized Erlang compiler with support for features needed not only by IODB!

Its primary use is to power IODB Model Compiler (iodb_model_compiler).

Based on code and ideas of Evan Miller and his boss_db.

Function Index

compile/1Equivalent to compile(File, []).
compile/2Compile a common Erlang source module using IODB improved compiler.
parse/3Erlang code parser with support for token transformations.

Function Details


compile(File::string()) -> {ok, Module::atom()} | {error, Reason::any()}

Equivalent to compile(File, []).


compile(File::string(), Options::compiler_options()) -> {ok, Module::atom()} | {error, Reason::any()}

Compile a common Erlang source module using IODB improved compiler. Such a module is loaded from file File and compiled with options specified in Options argument.

Options may be standard Erlang compiler options as well as a set of extra features shiped with IODB compiler:


parse(File::string(), TokenTransform::function(), IncludeDirs::list()) -> {ok, Tokens::list()} | {error, ParseError::any()}

Erlang code parser with support for token transformations.

Generated by EDoc, Jun 10 2012, 19:21:56.